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Service Moderation
Average Price (USD) $20 / hour (flex rate available)

Patrick Schmalstig has moderated several online communities in the last several years, the largest containing over 10,000 members. "Moderation" is the observation of any online community for troublesome users and taking necessary action to remedy the situation. It could also include running online community events. Patrick has written several documents in the past about effective leadership and moderation of communities. They will put these to use and will follow any requests or procedures for moderation as defined by the client. Patrick's primary goal with moderation is to provide opportunities for education and reformation while keeping the rest of the community safe. They also have a sharp and intuitive eye for detecting trolls quickly.

Usually, an agreement will be made between PDStig, LLC and the client for this service on the number of hours per week PDStig, LLC will moderate the community. The client will be invoiced for the time spent on a monthly basis. Clients wishing for PDStig, LLC to be present for moderation at specific times of the day will be asked for a rate of $30 / hour during those times.
