The TGIF Show

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Project Name The TGIF Show
Featured Image Image
Project Type Twitch Podcast
PDStig, LLC affiliation Personal / Not affiliated with a company
Date Started 13th Jan 2022
Progress / Status Temporarily Inactive

The TGIF Show is a podcast show I do on Fridays. The main thematic is that the show is high-energy and interactive. It is broken down into a series of segments, each about 20 minutes long, where show guests and listeners/viewers can participate.

Some of the segments on the show include the following:

  • Headlines Challenge: Almost every show starts with the Headlines Challenge. Guests will try to answer multiple-choice questions pertaining to local, national, and global news headlines from the past week.
  • Challenge Alarm: Often, an article or discussion would lead into the sounding of a challenge alarm. Then, some form of challenge thematic to the article or discussion would take place. For example, on April Fool's Day, the challenge alarm sounded during an article about April Fool's Day. Guests had to sing the the words "Never Gonna Give You Up" every time I mentioned April Fool's Day from the article. And the first to sing the rick roll earned Euros towards the show's prize.
  • Debate Horn: Some articles would lead to the sounding of the debate horn which meant the show would proceed to an organized debate about that article. The debate was often centered around a timed fast-paced rapid-fire format with debate questions being presented for discussion. At the end of a debate, guests would rank on a pro/against scale where they stood on the overall issue.
  • Improv Chime: Some articles would lead to the sounding of the Improv Chime which meant guests would then be presented with an Improv skit / scenario, and we would all act it out. Various different Improv games are played, some inspired by Whose Line Is It Anyway?
  • Not the Onion: Periodically, we would have a Not the Onion segment. The Onion is a famous satire news organization. Not the Onion parodies off of this where we would read actual news stories that sound so crazy they could be satire. Florida Man stories are a popular one with this segment.
  • Trivia Time: Almost every episode features Trivia Time where we play some trivia thematic to the episode.

Series 1

Series 1 took place on WWSU Radio 106.9 FM when I used to work there. It was on the air from January to April 2022. It seemed to be a hit among guests who had a lot of fun with the several games we played on the air. The show also featured fake Euros that guests would earn on the show. And whomever had the most Euros at the end of the show won a prize.

I graduated Wright State University in May 2022. Therefore, The TGIF Show was discontinued on WWSU Radio as I could no longer participate at WWSU. 

Series 2 

Following my graduation from Wright State, I brought The TGIF Show to Twitch in July 2022. The Twitch edition featured a live chat and the ability for viewers to click the Twitch video "heat map" to place their name on the screen for 30 seconds. This was used in several skits such as Trivia where they could place their name on an A B C or D box to place a guess to the question. This series unfortunately was short lived. When Twitch's extensions and widgets all broke, I left Twitch for a while in November 2022, bringing an end to the TGIF Show at the time.

Series 3 

Following my return to Twitch after they fixed their Widgets and Extensions, I brought back The TGIF Show for a third series in January 2024. However, it is no longer every Friday but rather about 2-3 Fridays per month. The format was also slightly changed where each episode would be focused on a specific topic, usually randomly chosen from Apples to Apples cards. Also, the heat maps were sound activated. So sounds would now play when a viewer clicks on the heat map. 

This project is currently on hold as, due to work, I have not been able to do any Friday streams. 


