Raider Up! WWSU

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Project Name Raider Up! WWSU
Featured Image Image
Project Type Radio Show
PDStig, LLC affiliation Personal / Not affiliated with a company
Date Started 18th Jan 2018
Date Ended 12th Dec 2019
Progress / Status Discontinued

Raider Up! WWSU was a weekly radio show I did on Wright State's WWSU 106.9 FM. The show had similar vibes to the Talk in that there were a lot of discussions and debates. However, the show was primarily oriented towards topics that would impact Wright State or college students. I also frequently had guests and interviews on the show as well. And the show's format was more organized and professional.

Raider Up! WWSU was the first show I did where I utilized the new webcams in the radio studio and OBS Studio. I streamed live video to social media while on the air. I also used higher-production techniques like bumpers, back-tos, and so on both in audio and video form.

The biggest accomplishment of Raider Up! WWSU was the special coverage we presented of the January 2019 AAUP-WWSU faculty strike. Prior to the strike, we had the chapter president on for an interview of what was happening with the contract negotiations. During the strike, I went over to strike HQ to interview professors and members of AAUP about the strike and about what they do at Wright State. 

We also had special coverage of unfortunate mass shootings in the country including the Dayton Ohio Oregon District shooting. 

I discontinued the show at the end of the Fall Semester 2019 due to low listenership. 
